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Maha Sri Yaga

Restoring the Vibrancy of the Human Spirit & the Natural World

with Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD
September 20, 2025—March 6, 2026

Climatic conditions are worsening. Violence and fear are gripping our consciousness. Mental toxins are giving birth to a highly polarized world. The pace at which these conditions are deteriorating demands that seekers of inner peace and prosperity join together to create a positive change in collective consciousness that is large enough to outweigh the destructive forces of fear and scarcity.

Maha Sri Yaga is a step toward cooling the magma affecting our personal and collective lives. It is for healing and rejuvenating the natural world. Maha Sri Yaga is the sages’ way to reinfuse the human spirit and the natural world with divine abundance and elegance.

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The Purpose of Maha Sri Yaga
  • Expedite our own spiritual growth with support of like-minded, inspired souls
  • Contribute to the formation of a collective consciousness powerful enough to defeat the forces of fear, anger, confusion, and division
  • Infuse collective consciousness with a desire to share, serve, and make a difference, as well as draw into this consciousness all those seeking inner peace, prosperity, and empowerment
  • Strengthen our connection with Mother Nature and restore the vibrancy of the natural world through our constructive and nurturing actions

Maha Sri Yaga is a laser-focused, purpose-driven group tantric practice that is being held at the Sri Vidya Shrine in Khajuraho, India. Long revered by adepts, Maha Sri Yaga is a pinnacle of tantra sadhana and is centered around the Sri Sukta, a cluster of 16 mantras dedicated to the Divine Mother Sri. This 6-month long practice is offered in six sessions, each of which is 19 days long. Several different types of Sri Sukta practice will be happening simultaneously within Maha Sri Yaga, allowing for both longtime practitioners and newer practitioners to contribute in a meaningful way.

Maha Sri Yaga is an extremely rare practice that is only possible when there is a minimum of 100 practitioners who have already completed Sri Sukta stage 2 practice. These practitioners meet the prerequisites to be further trained to undertake the Maha Sri Yaga anchor practice, which creates the foundation for the larger group practice. Thankfully, we have more than 100 such Sri Suktis and they have resolved to anchor a group practice of this size and stature. This firm foundation allows for all practitioners of Sri Sukta to participate in the main practice of Maha Sri Yaga. Practitioners may choose to participate in the main practice, to use the main practice to start or complete a Sri Sukta stage 1 practice, to undertake a full Sri Sukta stage 2 practice during Maha Sri Yaga, or to apply to participate in the advanced anchor practice. Regardless of the scope of an individual’s practice, every participant will be a key stakeholder of this enormous group practice.

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The Main Practice

The main practice of Maha Sri Yaga has the richness to fulfill practitioners of all levels. Every participant in Maha Sri Yaga will be a part of the main practice, at a minimum.

  • A 17-day practice format, beginning with an opening ceremony on the first day, followed by a 15-day practice, and a concluding ceremony on the final day
  • Daily group practice of 20 recitations of Sri Sukta in the Sri Vidya Shrine
  • Daily havan centered around fire offerings made with the mantras of Sri Sukta and related shakti mantras
  • Daily personal meditation practice in the Sri Vidya Shrine
Prerequisites for The Main Practice



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The Main Practice as an Opportunity to Undertake a Stage 1 or Stage 2 Practice

For those Sri Suktis who wish to intensify their Sri Sukta sadhana beyond the main practice of Maha Sri Yaga, they may utilize this opportunity to undertake a Sri Sukta stage 1 or stage 2 practice. In either case, the main practice of Maha Sri Yaga will form the basis of their Sri Sukta stage 1 or stage 2 practice.

Main Practice Combined with Stage 1

For those wishing to undertake the stage 1 practice, you may either begin or conclude your stage 1 practice during the main practice of Maha Sri Yaga. Start a stage 1 practice (10 recitations per day, for 80 days) from home before you come to Maha Sri Yaga. You will want to time your stage 1 practice so that the 80 days conclude during your Maha Sri Yaga session. Alternatively, you can start your 80-day stage 1 practice with the start of your Maha Sri Yaga session and continue the practice from home.

Main Practice Combined with Stage 2

For those wishing to undertake the stage 2 practice during their Maha Sri Yaga session, you will do 30 recitations of Sri Sukta daily for 16 days as a personal recitation in addition to the 20 daily recitations done as a group practice. Stage 2 practice has a firm prerequisite of having previously completed a stage 1 practice.

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The Anchor Practice

The anchor practice of Maha Sri Yaga is also known as a Sri Sukta stage 3 practice. This rare practice combines one or more mantras of Sri Sukta with the power of related shakti mantras. Maha Sri Yaga requires a minimum of 100 individuals undertaking the anchor practice in a highly disciplined and coordinated manner.

  • Participation in the anchor practice of Maha Sri Yaga is by application. Please carefully review the firm prerequisites below before applying.
  • In addition to your participation in the main practice, the anchor practice will also include mantra japa (silent internal recitation) done as a personal practice in the Sri Vidya Shrine.
  • All anchor practitioners will also participate in the main practice which includes daily group recitation and daily havan. A portion of the daily havan will consist of offerings specifically made by the anchor practitioners.
  • Once your anchor practice application has been approved, you will receive further guidance about the anchor practice, including preparatory practices which you will undertake prior to coming to Maha Sri Yaga.
Prerequisites for the Anchor Practice


  • Completion of a Sri Sukta stage 2 practice
  • Application to join the anchor practice at least 3 months prior to your Maha Sri Yaga session so that you have time to do the required preparatory practices


  • Multiple practices of Sri Sukta stage 2
  • The Epitome of Sri Sukta Sadhana course with Pandit Tigunait
  • Advanced studies in tantra and yoga sadhana with Pandit Tigunait
  • Daily practice of mantra japa, and prior experience with mantra japa purashcharana
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Wherever you find yourself in your own personal Sri Sukta sadhana, please join us and start your dedicated, purpose-driven practice. The essential preparation and prerequisite for Maha Sri Yaga is the knowledge and practice of Sri Sukta. A regular practice of Sri Sukta is the foundation for your participation in Maha Sri Yaga. Develop a daily practice of Sri Sukta and continue your Sri Sukta-inspired self-reflection.

How may I prepare for Maha Sri Yaga if…
If you are inspired to join us for Maha Sri Yaga but are new to the practice of Sri Sukta, we recommend you begin your journey by reading the Sri Sukta: Tantra of Inner Prosperity book, take the Sri Sukta Course and develop a regular daily practice of Sri Sukta; all of which are prerequisites for attending Maha Sri Yaga.

We encourage you to undertake a Sri Sukta stage 1 practice before Maha Sri Yaga. Details of the stage 1 practice are outlined in Panditji’s book, Sri Sukta: Tantra of Inner Prosperity. The Institute will be offering an organized stage 1 practice twice yearly in winter and summer, so you have many opportunities to complete this stage of practice before Maha Sri Yaga.

We encourage you to undertake Sri Sukta stage 2 practice in advance of Maha Sri Yaga. Between now and summer 2025, there will be several opportunities for you to undertake a Sri Sukta Stage 2 practice with personal guidance in-person at the Himalayan Institute in Honesdale, PA (October 2023, October 2024, April 2025).

You are prepared to become an anchoring force of Maha Sri Yaga. It is an opportunity for your own inner awakening as well as serving humanity and the natural world with the energy you, as a group, will exude during this auspicious event. Participation in the anchor practice of Maha Sri Yaga is by application (you can choose to complete this application as a part of your registration for Maha Sri Yaga). Once your anchor practice application has been approved, you will receive further guidance about the anchor practice, including preparatory practices which you will undertake prior to coming to Maha Sri Yaga.

If you would like additional guidance regarding which practice to undertake during your Maha Sri Yaga session(s) and/or personal practice preparation, please reach out to us by calling 1-800-822-4547 x40 or email [email protected].

Program Format

Maha Sri Yaga is a 6-month long practice, organized into 6 sessions each 19 days long. There is a 12-day period between each session, during which the practice will be maintained by long-term participants of Maha Sri Yaga. Participants are welcome to register to either come early and/or stay after their session, or to register for multiple sessions.

Session 1 | September 20—October 8, 2025
Session 2 | October 20—November 7, 2025
Session 3 | November 19—December 7, 2025
Session 4 | December 19, 2025—January 6, 2026
Session 5 | January 17—February 4, 2026
Session 6 | February 16—March 6, 2026

Day 1 – Arrive to Khajuraho
Day 2 – Opening Ceremony (Havan)
Day 3 to 17 – Maha Sri Yaga 15-day practice with daily havan
Day 18 – Closing Ceremony (Havan)
Day 19 – Departure

5:30am – Chai
6:00am – Morning prayers
6:00—8:00am – Personal practice
8:00—9:00am – Breakfast
10:00—11:30am – Lecture, Study Group or Guided Practice
11:45am – Sri Sukta group recitation
12:30-1:30pm – Lunch
Afternoon – Free time, self-reflection or nature walk
4:00pm – Chai
5:00—6:00pm – Personal practice
6:00pm – Evening prayers
6:00—7:00pm – Dinner
7:30pm – Havan

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Study Track

An in-depth study of scripture is an integral part of Maha Sri Yaga. The scriptures selected here come from vedic and tantric sources especially those belonging to the Sri Vidya tradition of the Himalayan Masters. They embody the time-tested wisdom of the ancient sages.

These scriptures are the repositories of tools and means, and practices and experiences we need to find our connection with our inner self, with the Creator and her creation. They are the written chronicles of the Sages’ quest for inner peace, inner happiness, inner stability, boundless patience, and most importantly, their quest for ultimate freedom and lasting fulfillment.

The study of these scriptures prepares us to hear the unheard sound of silence and feel the presence of imperceptible divinity within and all around us. Collectively, these scriptures empower us to comprehend the unsung portion of any mantra, including the mantras of Sri Sukta. They empower us to comprehend the invisible dimension of our personal and group practices including Maha Sri Yaga. Put succinctly, the study of these scriptures constitutes what Patanjali calls svadhyaya, study of one’s self leading to the study of all.

This scripture is a story of the indomitable will of a seeker who is determined to attain victory over the self-defeating tendencies of the mind. The name of that seeker is Nachiketa—another name for Chikalita, one of the Sages who received the revelation of the Sri Sukta.

This scripture guides us on the middle path and tells us how to build a bridge between our inner and outer success, worldly ambitions and spiritual aspirations. It tells us how to mine the best of the past, and by using it correctly, how to build a safe and stable present and a bright future. It teaches us how to be sensitive and realistic to the needs and demands of our present, and at the same time, if need be, demolish lifeless values and practices which pose a threat to our inner and outer growth.

We’ll cover this scripture in eight lectures:

  • Lecture 1 – Winning the Favor of the Lord of Death
  • Lecture 2 – Yogic Understanding of Heaven and Hell
  • Lecture 3 – Understanding the Law of Karma
  • Lecture 4 – Creating a New Destiny
  • Lecture 5 – Igniting the Sacred Fire
  • Lecture 6 – Yaga: Transforming Collective Consciousness
  • Lecture 7 – Humans and Their Place in the Natural World
  • Lecture 8 – Concluding Session

The Durga Saptashati is a treasure trove of tantra sadhana. It consists of 700 mantras. By using the narrative of a king who had lost his kingdom to another king, and a rich merchant who suffered a heavy loss in his business, the scripture tells us that uncertainty is part of life; unforeseen circumstances are always there. Forces that shake our inner and outer world follow us like night follows day.

In the case of an ordinary person, fear, worry, anger, doubt, betrayal—all leading to the collapse of our will and hope, are an inescapable reality. But within all of us, there is an extraordinary spark. By awakening that spark, and fueling and expanding it further, we can incinerate these conditions in which an ordinary person drowns. Exactly how we can do it is the subject matter of the Durga Saptashati.

We’ll cover this scripture in eight lectures:

  • Lecture 1 – How the Scripture Durga Saptashati Came About
  • Lecture 2 – Yoga Nidra and Her Power of Protection
  • Lecture 3 – The Birth of the Goddess: Process and Purpose
  • Lecture 4 – The Goddess’s Message to Anger and Ego
  • Lecture 5 – The Fate of a Demon with Smoke-Filled Eyes
  • Lecture 6 – Crushed in the Jaws of Goddess Kali
  • Lecture 7 – The Reward of Shakti Sadhana
  • Lecture 8 – Concluding Session

The Tripura Rahasya is the summary of the Sage Parashurama’s lifetime of practice and experience. It is in the form of a dialogue between Parashurama and his student, Sumedha, who, after gaining this knowledge from his master, committed himself to intense study and practice. Consequently, he reached such a high degree of enlightenment that he himself became the seer of the Durga Saptashati, the previous scripture in this series of study.

While delineating the most sublime practice of tantra, this scripture sheds light on a broad range of tantra vidya—the secret of tantric rituals, sacred fire, mysteries surrounding chakras, deities, and mantras. It clarifies the difference between perfunctory rituals and the ones pulsating with true love, knowledge, faith, and personal connection. It clarifies why some prosper in their spiritual and worldly endeavors without much effort, and why others struggle. Finally, it focuses on the power of Divine Grace and the way to achieve it and assimilate it.

We’ll cover this scripture in eight lectures:

  • Lecture 1 – How the Scripture Tripura Rahasya Came About
  • Lecture 2 – Sage Sumedha and the Mountain of Sri
  • Lecture 3 – Sri Chakra: The Home of Goddess Sri and Her Family
  • Lecture 4 – The First Three Tiers of Sri Chakra
  • Lecture 5 – The Middle Three Tiers of Sri Chakra
  • Lecture 6 – The Last Three Tiers of Sri Chakra
  • Lecture 7 – Jnana Kalika Stotra: Living with the Wisdom of Sri Chakra
  • Lecture 8 – Concluding Session

The Netra Tantra is the source text of the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra. For ages, beginners as well as adepts have been using this mantra to heal individuals and the natural world. Using the dialogue between Shakti and Shiva as a means, the Netra Tantra describes fourteen conditions that drain the sap of life, and explains how the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra can stop this drainage and refill our body, mind, and consciousness with the vibrant lifeforce.

The uniqueness of this text lies in the fact that it takes the idea of disease, its cause, and its cure to a place not ordinarily known to humankind. According to this scripture, food and water can remove hunger and thirst; herbs can cure disease; spiritual leaders can guide our souls; politicians can fix our nations; people specializing in the knowledge of environment may fix the natural world. But, if the food, water, herbs, spiritual leaders, politicians, and specialists themselves are sick, then who will fix these problems?

The mind is the source of all strengths and weaknesses. Our sick ideologies, views, and aspirations contaminate both our inner and outer world. In such a circumstance, diseases, social instability, and natural calamities walk into our life faster than a mighty army of experts can conceive a solution. By exploring the cause of diseases beyond the physical world, and by unleashing the power of inner healing, the Netra Tantra ensures that we learn the art of transforming collective consciousness and contribute to the nourishment of the natural world.

We’ll cover this scripture in eight lectures:

  • Lecture 1 – How the Scripture Netra Tantra Came About
  • Lecture 2 – The Transmission of the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra and the Range of its Healing Power
  • Lecture 3 – Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra for Personal Healing
  • Lecture 4 – Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra for Reviving an Ailing or Even Extinct Tradition
  • Lecture 5 – Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra for Healing the Collective Consciousness
  • Lecture 6 – Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra for Healing and Re-Energizing the Natural World
  • Lecture 7 – The Practice of Rudra Yaga in the Tradition of Sri Vidya
  • Lecture 8 – Concluding Session

The Sri Vidyarnava is the biggest compendium of tantra sadhana, and the greatest gift of the Tradition of the Sages to the human race. A thousand years ago, it was compiled by one of the greatest masters of our Tradition, named Vidyaranya Yati. In regard to spiritual wisdom, practices, and experiences, this text can be summarized in one phrase: What is found here may be found elsewhere, but what is not here cannot be found anywhere.

Sri Vidyarnava is the epitome of tantric literature. Nowhere else do we find as comprehensive a delineation of tantric practices, particularly Sri Vidya, as we do here. This text covers all kaula, mishra, and samaya schools of tantra. Right and left-hand tantra, along with their subtle nuances, find their full expression. Most importantly, this scripture describes how to arrange different practices belonging to different schools and traditions in a sensible order and build a practice so inclusive and so complete that deep within, we know we are on the most fulfilling path. The practice of Maha Sri Yaga, for example, comes from this text.

We’ll cover this scripture in eight lectures:

  • Lecture 1 – How the Scripture Sri Vidyarnava Came About
  • Lecture 2 – The Masters of the Sri Vidya Tradition
  • Lecture 3 – Fundamental Philosophy and World View of the Sri Vidya Tradition
  • Lecture 4 – Cardinal Message of the Sri Vidya Tradition
  • Lecture 5 – Assimilating the Message of the Masters in Our Personal Life
  • Lecture 6 – Need for Sangha, the Company of Inspiring Souls
  • Lecture 7 – Need for Living with Dharma, the Natural Laws Ensuring We Co-Exist and Thrive Together
  • Lecture 8 – Concluding Session

Comprised of 100 mantras, the Saundaryalahari is attributed to the 71st master of the Sri Vidya Tradition. The Saundaryalahari occupies a central place in the monastic order of Shankaracharya. At face value, this text appears to be an excellent piece of literature. And yet, the inner content and intent of this text is so thickly veiled that to most readers and practitioners, it remains an impenetrable mystery. Despite more than 30 commentaries in Sanskrit language alone, the Saundaryalahari is guarded by the Tradition and passed on through direct transmission.

In this program, we’ll study the contextual history of the Saundaryalahari, its esoteric power, and the application of select mantras that have bearing on our personal life and the natural world. Finally, we’ll focus on six mantras which deem extremely relevant to bring refinement to our existing practices, overcome our unique obstacles, and gather the tonic we need to live a vibrant and fulfilling life.

We’ll cover this scripture in eight lectures:

  • Lecture 1 – How the Scripture Saundaryalahari Came About
  • Lecture 2 – A True Conqueror
  • Lecture 3 – Steps to Inner Conquest
  • Lecture 4 – Fruits of Seeing the Creator in Her Creation
  • Lecture 5 – Tritari Mantra and the First Verse of Saundaryalahari
  • Lecture 6 – Tritari Mantra and the Third Verse of Saundaryalahari
  • Lecture 7 – Tritari Mantra and the Eighth Verse of Saundaryalahari
  • Lecture 8 – Concluding Session
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Experiencing the energy of the Sri Vidya Shrine, the spiritually charged atmosphere of the HI Khajuraho campus, and the company of like-minded souls is a rare opportunity. The whole campus has been developed with this kind of collective group practice in mind.


Our accommodations have been mindfully designed to reflect the essential simplicity and comfort that you need to rest, renew and be well supported in your spiritual practice. Guest rooms are modestly appointed with twin or king-sized beds, linens, wool blankets, pillows, and mosquito nets (as needed seasonally and by request). Options include single, double, and triple-occupancy studio rooms with en-suite bathroom, as well as a few double deluxe suite rooms with one shared bedroom, a shared living room and en-suite bathroom. All rooms feature 10’ ceilings, exquisite hand-crafted marble floors and feature built-in wardrobes and dressers for each guest to store their clothes and belongings.

Additionally, all guests at our HI Khajuraho campus enjoy use of a myriad of amenities such as: shared tea lounges with kitchenette, a library, various outdoor spaces for personal asana practice, social gathering, etc., UV purified and filtered drinking water, freshly prepared vegetarian meals, and low-speed Wi-Fi (subject to availability/bandwidth restrictions apply).


Our menu is designed to offer a variety of Indian vegetarian cuisines including traditional North Indian, South India, and Indo-Chinese dishes. Limited vegan and gluten-free options are available at all main meals. We understand that our guests have a variety of dietary needs; if you follow a strict diet (ie. high protein, high/low fat, paleo, strict vegan or gluten-free, no nightshades, etc.), please speak to us before registering.

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About Panditji

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Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD

Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PhD, is a modern-day master and living link in the unbroken Himalayan Tradition. He is the successor to Sri Swami Rama of the Himalayas, and the spiritual head of the Himalayan Institute. As the author of numerous books, including his autobiography Touched by Fire: The Ongoing Journey of a Spiritual Seeker, Pandit Tigunait offers practical guidance on applying yogic and tantric wisdom to modern life. For over 40 years he has touched innumerable lives around the world as a teacher, humanitarian, and visionary spiritual leader. You can view more of his teachings online in the library of Himalayan Institute Online.

Pandit Tigunait holds two doctorates: one in Sanskrit from the University of Allahabad in India, and another in Oriental Studies from the University of Pennsylvania. Family tradition gave Pandit Tigunait access to a vast range of spiritual wisdom preserved in both the written and oral traditions. Before meeting his master, Pandit Tigunait studied Sanskrit, the language of the ancient scriptures of India, as well as the languages of the Buddhist, Jaina, and Zorastrian traditions. In 1976, Swami Rama ordained Pandit Tigunait into the 5,000-year-old lineage of the Himalayan Masters.


Early Registration Regular Registration
Session 1 | September 20—October 8, 2025

Study Track: Kathopanishad: Riding the Foces of Change

Register Online

from $3,100

Closes September 13, 2024

from $3,300

Closes May 20, 2025

Session 2 | October 20—November 7, 2025

Study Track: Durga Saptashati: 700 Flames of Durga

Register Online

from $3,100

Closes September 13, 2024

from $3,300

Closes May 20, 2025

Add-on Pilgrimage 1 | November 8—15, 2025

Sacred Sites of Central India: Ujjain, Omkareshwar, Maheshwar (more details coming soon)

Session 3 | November 19—December 7, 2025

Study Track: Tripura Rahasya: The Cornerstone of Shakti Sadhana

Register Online

from $3,100

Closes September 13, 2024

from $3,300

Closes July 18, 2025

Add-on Pilgrimage 2 | December 8—15, 2025

Sacred Sites of Central India: Ujjain, Omkareshwar, Maheshwar (more details coming soon)

Session 4 | December 19, 2025—January 6, 2026

Study Track: Netra Tantra: The Tantra of Inner Healing

Register Online

from $3,100

Closes September 13, 2024

from $3,300

Closes July 18, 2025

Session 5 | January 17—February 4, 2026

Study Track: Sri Vidyarnava: The Embodiment of All Ten Maha Vidyas

Register Online

from $3,100

Closes September 13, 2024

from $3,300

Closes September 17, 2025

Add-on Pilgrimage 3 | February 5—12, 2026

Grace of the Ganga: Pilgrimage to Prayagraj, Varanasi, Chitrakoot and Vindhyachal (more details coming soon)

Add-on Pilgrimage 4 | February 9—16, 2026

Grace of the Ganga: Pilgrimage to Prayagraj, Varanasi, Chitrakoot and Vindhyachal (more details coming soon)

Session 6 | February 16—March 6, 2026

Study Track: Saundaryalahari: The Wave of Beauty and Bliss

Join Waitlist

from $3,100

Closes September 13, 2024

from $3,300

Closes September 17, 2025


  • $850 USD per session to secure your spot

Registration Deadlines

  • Early Registration for Priority Pre-Registration | October 25—31, 2023
  • Early Registration for general public | November 1, 2023—September 13, 2024
  • Regular Registration close (rolling deadlines)
    • Sessions 1 & 2 | May 20, 2025
    • Sessions 3 & 4 | July 18, 2025
    • Sessions 5 & 6 | September 17, 2025
  • Late Registration close (rolling deadlines)
    • 30 days out from the start date of each session

Terms and Conditions

View the session-specific full terms and conditions here:

Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4 | Session 5 | Session 6

Accommodation Type Early Registration Regular Registration Late Registration
Triple $3,100 $3,300 $3,550
Double $3,300 $3,500 $3,750
Double Deluxe Suite $3,700 $3,900 $4,150
Single $4,200 $4,400 $4,650

Call 1-800-822-4547 x40 or email [email protected] for more information.

Optional Add-Ons

Add-On Pilgrimages

Our HI Excursions Team will be hosting several Maha Sri Yaga-related Add-On Pilgrimages which can be joined as either a pre or post add-on option to your formal Maha Sri Yaga session(s). Their pilgrimage-focused itineraries have been specifically designed to enhance the overall experience you receive from Maha Sri Yaga. Please note that registration and payment for Add-On Pilgrimages must be completed separately from your Maha Sri Yaga session registration(s).

ujjain temple side - Himalayan Institute
Add-On Pilgrimages 1 & 2

Sacred Sites of Central India: Ujjain, Omkareshwar, Maheshwar

  • Pilgrimage 1 | November 8—15, 2025 (Post Session 2 / Pre Session 3)
  • Pilgrimage 2 | December 8—15, 2025 (Post Session 3 / Pre Session 4)

More details coming soon

views from the boatride on the ganga side - Himalayan Institute
Add-On Pilgrimages 3 & 4

Grace of the Ganga: Pilgrimage to Prayagraj, Varanasi, Chitrakoot and Vindhyachal

  • Pilgrimage 3 | February 5—12, 2026 (Post Session 5)
  • Pilgrimage 4 | February 9—16, 2026 (Pre Session 6)

More details coming soon

Extended Stay at HI Khajuraho

For those who would like to extend their stay beyond the scheduled start and/or finish dates of the formal 19-day session for which you are registered, additional Personal Sadhana days may be added at a special reduced rate from our regular rates. Please email [email protected] directly for more details and to reserve your additional days. *subject to availability

Back-to-Back Discounted Bundle Rate

Participants registered for back-to-back sessions of Maha Sri Yaga may choose to remain on campus for the duration of the 12 days between sessions. For those who elect this option, you will receive personal guidance about how to customize your practice during this period, and will have the opportunity to join other long-term practitioners who are anchoring the practice in the periods between the formal sessions. To further support your aspiration to remain on campus between sessions and continue with a customized practice, we are offering a special “Back-to-Back” discounted bundle rate for your 12-day stay. Depending upon your accommodation choice, this rate ranges from $575-$840 and can be added during the registration process. You will have the opportunity to register for the additional 12-day option during the registration process for the session it follows. Payment in full for all 12-day back-to-back add-on registrations is required and will be charged when your registration is confirmed.

Frequently Asked Questions

About the Practice
Yes! If you are inspired to join us for Maha Sri Yaga but are new to the practice of Sri Sukta, we recommend you begin your journey by reading the Sri Sukta: Tantra of Inner Prosperity book, take the Sri Sukta Course and develop a regular daily practice of Sri Sukta; all of which are prerequisites for attending Maha Sri Yaga.

Any of the official Sri Sukta Course offerings (May 2021 Sri Sukta Course with Panditji, May 2022 Sri Sukta Course with Ishan, or the on-demand Sri Sukta Course) satisfy the prerequisite. If you’ve taken another Sri Sukta-themed program taught by Panditji, it is possible this can count toward satisfying the Sri Sukta Course prerequisite. Please reach out to us at [email protected] to confirm if the Sri Sukta-themed program(s) you’ve attended in the past satisfy the course component of the prerequisites for participating in Maha Sri Yaga.

Your personal understanding and intuition regarding your preparation and inspiration is the best guide to know what you are ready for.

If you’ve been practicing Sri Sukta regularly at home and have the capacity to do 10 recitations in about 20-30 minutes, and are inspired to enhance your Sri Sukta practice, start a stage 1 practice (10 recitations per day, for 80 days) from home before you come to Maha Sri Yaga. You’ll want to time this stage 1 practice so that the 80 days conclude during your Maha Sri Yaga session.

If you’ve done stage 1 and are ready to intensify your Sri Sukta practice by undertaking a stage 2 practice during Maha Sri Yaga, we encourage you to email [email protected] to receive further guidance about this. Initial preparation begins with committing to a regular daily practice of 10 recitations per day prior to coming to Maha Sri Yaga. You can begin this preparation any time, but the sooner the better, so that you build a strong foundation for the undertaking of your stage 2 practice. Your capacity should also include being able to recite the Sri Sukta in its entirety from memory, and with a fluency of about a 2-minute pace per recitation.

Yes. Between now and summer 2025, there will be several additional opportunities for you to undertake a Sri Sukta stage 2 practice with personal guidance at the Himalayan Institute in Honesdale, PA (October 2023, October 2024, April 2025).

Sri Sukta stage 3 is an advanced stage of Sri Sukta practice that is undertaken under the guidance of an experienced adept of Sri Sukta, for the wellbeing of collective consciousness beyond our personal benefit. This stage of Sri Sukta practice has a firm prerequisite of the stage 2 practice, and other forms of sadhana including japa of shakti mantras, svadhyaya (self-study), and other types of meditative practice. The anchor practice of Maha Sri Yaga is a Sri Sukta stage 3 practice.

Often the answer to this question really is about taking some time to reflect on the degree of enthusiasm and inner calling you personally feel for the practice. If you’re inspired, and wish to be prepared to do it, but just don’t know if you’re prepared, then it’s a good sign that you’re ready. If there’s doubt about whether or not you want to do it or can actually do it, then it’s best to fortify yourself and your practice a bit further before committing to serve as an anchor.

Proficiency in Sri Sukta recitation is only part of the preparation. Our inner preparation that comes from studying the meaning of the mantras, reflecting on them, and cultivating a meditative mind through regular daily meditation is a big part of the preparation. The technical aspects of preparing for the anchor practice unfold from there, and are largely concerned with gaining proficiency in a unique application of Sri Sukta mantras in the form of internal (silent) japa.

Yes. There is a 12-day period between each session, during which the practice will continue, anchored by the forces of nature invoked at the beginning of session 1, as well as long-term participants of Maha Sri Yaga, thus maintaining the continuity of the practice.
The time between sessions is a great opportunity to assimilate the unique capacity (shakti) which you received from your first session, and prepare to intensify and assimilate further in your next session. This time is an opportunity for further self-reflection, replenishment and renewal. Our recommended options for how to make the best use of this time include:

  1. Participants registered for back-to-back sessions may choose to remain on campus for the duration of the 12 days between their sessions. For those who elect this option, you will receive personal guidance about how to customize your practice during this period, and will have the opportunity to join other long-term practitioners who are anchoring the practice in the periods between the formal sessions. To further support your aspiration to remain on campus between sessions and continue with a customized practice, we are offering a special “Back-to-Back” discounted bundle rate for your 12-day stay.
  2. Alternatively, our HI Excursions Team will be hosting several Maha Sri Yaga-related Add-On Pilgrimages. These pilgrimages are another wonderful opportunity to further enrich your Maha Sri Yaga experience as a whole.

Ultimately, the choice of how to spend your time between sessions is a personal one, and we are here to support you along whichever path you feel most inspired to embark on. Please see the Optional Add-Ons section for more details.

About Khajuraho and Logistics
During your 19-day session at least one optional group town trip will be scheduled. You will therefore have an opportunity during your stay on campus to visit the town of Khajuraho, its temples and other sites. To maintain the integrity and potency of the practice as well as the immersive, meditative atmosphere on campus, we request that you limit trips to town to a bare minimum. If needed, participants may (at participant’s expense) book a private taxi to go into town during scheduled free-time. Our HI Khajuraho staff can assist with making private transportation arrangements. The transit time for going to town is about 30 minutes from the HI Khajuraho campus.
It may be possible to extend your stay in Khajuraho before or after your scheduled session dates, contingent upon availability of space and prior approval. The rate in effect at the time of request for a pre-approved extension is payable in advance in U.S. dollars, or charged to your credit card in U.S. dollars. Additional travel or other expenses resulting from an extended stay in Khajuraho are to be borne solely by the participant, including private airport transfers to/from the Khajuraho Airport, etc.
Yes. A limited number of private (single occupancy) rooms are available.

An HI Khajuraho representative will meet you at the Khajuraho Airport for transfer to the campus on the group’s scheduled arrival date. Organized group transfers to/from the Khajuraho Airport and the HI Khajuraho campus are available for those participating in an HI-hosted program there—subject to arriving on the specified group arrival date and at the specified group arrival time(s)*. Group transfers are included in your program costs.

*Note: Transfers outside the scheduled main group pick-up from the Khajuraho Airport at the designated date & time are not included in the cost of the program. Private transfers for arrival dates and times outside the scheduled group transfer can be arranged in advance and at the participant’s personal expense. Please contact us directly to make advanced arrangements as needed.

Important information regarding passport, visa and other travel logistics is provided in the Travel Packet you will receive upon registration approval.
The Travel Packet that you will receive upon registration approval contains a suggested packing list along with other helpful preparation tips.
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