Most of us carry grief in our bodies in some way. Grief is caused by loss of loved ones, loss of jobs, of homes, of business, of relationships, and more. When left unattended it can manifest into mental, physical, and emotional strain. Yoga and mindfulness are pathways to move some of the grief energy through the body in a constructive manner. Come spend a weekend dedicated to processing your grief, in a constructive, supportive way. We’ll spend time addressing how grief is showing up for you and use movement, breath, and mindfulness exercises to find release.

Retreat includes:
  • 4 yoga practices — these will include a mix of slow flow, gentle, restorative, and yoga nidra (appropriate for all levels, even beginners)
  • Nature walk and hiking on the beautiful grounds of the Himalayan Institute
  • Ayurvedic, home-cooked meals
  • Down time for whatever your heart and soul needs
  • Optional Spa Treatments
  • Optional Chocolate and Coffee tour at Moka
  • Visit to Sri Vidya Shrine

No experience is necessary — beginners welcome.

Kerri Hanlon is a co-founder and owner of Yoga Home, an award-winning yoga studio in the Philadelphia area, and creator of their Adaptive Yoga Program. She brings her experience as a teacher and multiple trauma trainings as well as her personal experience of grief and loss to this program. Kerri specializes in helping people find variations of yoga postures and breath techniques to make it accessible for every body. Her trauma-informed approach and ability to hold space for others creates a brave space for participants.